A Quick Look at Our Terms and Conditions
I authorize FIT4MOM Alexandria to initiate a charge to the account entered into Pike13 for my dues. This authorization is to remain effective until I have cancelled my membership through the FIT4MOM Alexandria administrator at
I have the right to stop payment on an Electronic Funds Transfer debit by notifying my bank. This, however, does not void my contract with Fit4Mom to fulfill my payment commitment and I am obligated to pay. Dues will be drawn monthly from the account on file on the day of the month when the membership was started for the first month and then on the 1st of the month going forward. The processing date for debit cards may vary due to banking procedures. If charges are returned they will be subject to a late fee. Members are responsible for updating their credit card information online. Members may not attend class who have unpaid balances. If a membership remains unpaid it will be cancelled.
To cancel this membership, the member must contact the FIT4MOM Alexandria administrator at 14 days prior to their next payment due date to request a cancellation. No refunds will be given for dues once it has been paid. This membership is not transferable to another person or anywhere outside the Alexandria franchise. Once a membership is cancelled, if the member wants to re-enroll they will be charged half the normal registration fee.
For a client to hold their membership, there is a form on our website (; here under "Resources") that they need to fill out 14 days before their change prior to the next payment due date to give us time to process it. Members can request to put their membership on hold for 1 month, 2 months or 3 months each year, not to exceed two separate requests in a calendar year (January-December). They must clarify how long the hold is to be placed at the time of the request. If a client places a hold on their membership, they will be emailed 1) confirmation that their hold is in place and 2) sent reminder emails 2 weeks along with 48 hours before their hold expires and their automatic payments will be resumed.
For a client to change their membership option, there is a form on our website (; here under "Resources") that they need to fill out 14 days before their change prior to the next payment due date to give us time to process it. There is no fee to change memberships.
You, the buyer, may cancel this agreement at any time prior to midnight of the tenth (10th) calendar day after you have signed this agreement. To cancel this agreement written notice must be received by FIT4MOM Alexandria within the initial ten days. You are responsible for paying for the classes already attended at the individual drop in rate.
We require classes to be held with a minimum of 2 participants. If there are only 1 participant signed up an hour before class starts, the class will be canceled and communicated to that client directly.
If you plan to attend class, please register at least 1 hour in advance; the system allows us to send messages and notes that are often important and contain where to meet and general information. If you are unable to make it, please cancel at least 1 hour before class starts. If it is less than 1 hour, please contact the instructor AND the owners via email at or phone/text at (202) 594-2070 to communicate the reason so we can cancel your sign up promptly/make sure that the instructor is aware.
If the client is a no show, the client will get 1 "freebie"/overlook in a calendar year (January-December) and then be charged a no show/cancel fee of $20 for a following offense.
During all FIT4MOM Alexandria classes, the client assumes the responsibility of ensuring their child’s (children’s) safety. All children ages 0-5 MUST be in their strollers during the entire class period. The child must remain safely seated and fastened into a sturdy stroller for the duration of class with the exception of baby wearing. Baby wearing is allowed if you choose with modifications to ensure the safety of mom and baby. Please consult the instructor for modifications during class.
If a client brings an older child to class that is not in a stroller, the child may walk with the parent from station to station but may NOT participate during class. At each station, they are to sit next to a stroller or next to mom for the entire duration. Classes are not designed for people under 18. Parents must also sign the “Big Kid Rider” waiver in Pike13 for each child over kindergarten/6+ years of age and kids MUST sit next to the stroller at stations. No bikes or scooters are permitted.
In this situation, it is the mom's responsibility to make sure their child is following directions and both follow the instructors lead to maintain safety. To be clear, bikes or scooters are NOT allowed; the child must walk and remain next to their mom.
Weather Policy
Weather in Northern Virginia is always keeping us on our toes which is why we are always on alert!
*Inclement weather: In the event of inclement weather, class will be moved either indoors, to Jones Point Park depending on the season and our current class schedule, or virtual class no sooner than an hour before class, unless extreme weather is forecasted. Class cancellations will be communicated to the instructor and texted to all currently enrolled participants. The class will then be cancelled on Pike13. If in doubt, clients can call/text the FIT4MOM Alexandria Hotline at (202) 594-2070.
*We will never hold class outdoors if lightning is within 10 miles of our class location.
*If it is raining lightly and we are holding class outdoors, we can seek shelter under the bridge at Jones Point Park; the picnic shelter at Ben Brenman; move indoors; or go virtual.
Extreme Heat for us is considered: 90 degrees and above or 84 degrees and 70% or above humidity.
Air Quality: if air quality advisory is issued at the time of class.
Unsafe Winter Conditions for us are considered: below 40 degrees for classes with strollers, 35 degrees and below without stroller.
*In colder weather, layers are the best! It is always better to bring too much rather than not enough especially when it comes to warmth of our littles!