• Fit4Mom Locations


Join us, Mama. Click on the locations below to find out exactly when and where we meet for class!


Patrick Henry

Use the parking lot in front of the recreation center or street parking is available on Polk or Latham St. There are stairs and a ramp on Latham St by the playground and basketball court, follow them up and continue on the sidewalk to the entrance. If we are outdoors we will most likely meet on the basketball court. Indoors, please check your messages for the location.

  • 4653 Taney Ave
  • Alexandria, VA 22304

See Schedule


Ben Brenman Park

Ben Brenman Park is located off of Duke Street just East of Cameron Station. We meet for class by the large Flag Pole and the restrooms. There is plenty of parking in the parking lot either next to the soccer fields or by the restrooms.

  • 4800 Brenman Park Dr
  • Alexandria, VA, 22304
  • 571-305-2029

See Schedule


Jones Point Park

The park is still open during construction, turn left past the recycle centers but before the construction site. Follow the road until you reach the large parking lot, I recommend parking closer towards the playground and using the path directly across to go under the bridge.

We will meet for class under the Wilson Bridge between the restroom building and the bike racks.

  • 365 Jones Point Drive
  • Alexandria, VA 22314
  • 571-305-2029

See Schedule


Durant Recreation Center

Located off of Cameron Street near the King St. Metro and Jefferson Houston School. Parking is available on Cameron Street or in the lot. Cameron St is a one way heading west out of Old Town. To enter the lot make a right after the school and before the pool. Class will be held in the multi purpose room or outside on the basketball court behind the rec center.

  • 1605 Cameron St
  • Alexandria, VA 22314
  • 202-905-1154

See Schedule


Sip & Strides Location #1: Cameron Cafe

There are multiple locations we meet for Sip and Strides, please check the weekly spot listed in the notes each week! Use this address to reference spots for the PLAYGROUND:

  • 4911 Brenman Park Dr
  • Alexandria, VA 22304

See Schedule


Sip & Strides Location #2: Swings Coffee Roasters

There are multiple locations we meet for Sip and Strides, please check the weekly spot listed in the notes each week! Use this address to reference spots for the PLAYGROUND:

  • 501 E Monroe Ave
  • Alexandria, VA 22301

See Schedule